October - December 2016
Generous Contributions Reached Thousands!
Over 1000 blankets were handed out to the citizens of communities around Mathura, India.
A school was also visited in Northern India and blankets were given to each child.
Everyone was very thankful that they had received a blanket to keep them warm during their cold winters.
Eye camps were performed at multiple schools in Udipi, India. Up to 2500 children were examined with the help of local optometrists and ophthalmologists and about 180 children who needed eyeglasses where given a free pair.
An eye camp was set up in Pondicherry, India. Thousands of vision screenings and ocular surgeries were performed and free eyeglasses handed out.
A free health fair was provided for the people of Pondicherry, India. Local physicians performed health screenings for over twelve hundred children and adults with free medicine given to those who needed it.
Additionally, an eye camp hosted in Noida allowed us to distribute needed lenses and to perform many cataract surgeries.
In Gujurat, India, we hosted eye camps at 4 schools and also evaluated the elderly for cataracts and performed 50 cataract surgeries. Close to 3000 children were seen and over 250 pairs of glasses where given out.
A Walk for Diabetes was held along with a health camp in Pondicherry in addition to hosting eye and health camps in the rural parts of Delhi.
A Marathon for Diabetes Awareness was held in Delhi. Approximately 1000 adults took part in this event. Fasting blood sugar was check.
An eye camp in Sehi, Mathura provided 1200 children and adults with exams. 200 free pair of glasses where distributed along with 18 cataract surgeries performed.
A diabetic camp also took place in Rural UP. Blood sugar was checked and referrals to local doctors were given.
In the village of Akot, Akola and Maharashtra, eye camps where hosted and together 1500 children and students were seen. 150 glasses were given out along with 25 cataract surgeries performed.
​Four large eye camps allowed Hope and Helping Hands to examine over 12,000 people for refraction error and cataracts in several rural villages. Click here to read more about our 2016 Mission Trip.
For 2017, in addition to distributing woolen blankets and providing eye and health clinics, Hope and Helping Hands has committed to financing the drilling of a borewell for the citizens in Usfar, Mathura. It will cost approximately $1,500 to bore the well and run PVC pipe underground to the village. Please consider supporting us in this effort with your tax-deductible donation.